paris burhan parker
“Maybe I should've dressed up like a bat not a spider, Strike fear into my enemies. Nah, Dumb idea.”

If you were to track paris parker's life it could be evenly split around one life event: pre his father's death and then everything that came after. His father, a commercial pilot, did not often spend days at home but still he was his son's hero. paris' mother worked nights as an emt operator and thus, like many in new york, he was a latch key kid. the family did not make enough for a sitter and also a home that had more than one bedroom even whilst residing in queens. often times his mother would wake once he had come home, fixing dinner as her breakfast, and heading out the door the moment her son started in on his homework.

neither paris nor his mother were spared from evils in the world but he was the type to rather keep his nose in his books than to cause any waves. dealing with reality of wrongdoing head first, however, came on the fateful third day his father had been home from another cross country trip. at paris' insistance, father and son entered a favorite bodega only to find a gun pressed against their chest, unknowingly having stumbled on an active roberry in progress. paris ran, but his father wasn't so lucky, two gunshots in his back while his son cried a block away.

mother and son struggled for a few years more to make ends meet, paris taking on a paper route before school in order to contribute what he could, but the pair found themselves over their heads and frankly a bit disillusioned with new york as a whole. once he had finished high school the they decided a fresh start in boston, moving in with his naana as he attended college while his mother began working in the somewhat slower paced boston metropolitan dispatch. it was at school that paris fell in love with computers and coding, an eye for design, chanelling all of his interests to custom wordpress pages and enough just to contribute to their home.

through college paris continued his attempt to rebrand himself as cool, suceeding only in finding a well worn leather jacket and a motorcycle both of which he wears to this day. his day job is nothing exciting, website maintinence and general it work for digiboston, a web only aggregate news source, but it pays the bills that his true passion yet does not. for the better part of a year paris has been working on building an indie video game in the vein of the sims, where the origin story ultimately decides if the protagonist will become a hero or a villian. it is a passion project he has sunk almost all of his savings into but still seems hesitant to release out into the world.


» paris lives alone in a glorified closet in mission hill with his pets, a flemish rabbit just larger than a toy dog named sasha and a rose hair tarantula by the name of asa.
» for a grand total of three weeks before he got sasha paris had a cat though he quickly found himself allergic to it.
» a good quarter of his already small apartment is taken up by his computers complete with a wall of monitors and hand drawn designs for his characters.
» only method of transport is his new triumph street twin, bought with the insurance payout from the crash of his last bike, which means on rainy days he is on the less impressive public transport to work
» now having amassed a collection of over fifty tattoos, paris' first was the comic style ZAP! on his forearm and still remains amongst his favorites

⤑ full name paris burhan parker ⤑ better known as paris parker ⤑ comicverse spider-man (616) & (1610) ⤑ date of birth + age may 7th 1991 + 25 ⤑ birthplace new york city, ny ⤑ current residence mission hill, boston, ma ⤑ occupation graphic/web design
video game engineer
⤑ relationship status shrug life ⤑ nationality 2nd gen pakistani-american ⤑ pets sasha, the flemish giant asa, the rose tarantula
Spiderman, Spiderman Does whatever a spider can Spins a web any size Catches thieves just like flies Look out, here comes the Spiderman

Is he strong? Listen Bud He's got radioactive blood Can he swing from a thread ? Take a look overhead Hey, there! There goes the Spiderman

In the chill of the night At the scene of a crime Like a streak of light He arrives just in time

Spiderman, Spiderman Friendly neighborhood, Spiderman Wealth and fame, he ignores Action is his reward Look out, here comes the Spiderman

locked incentives (abilities) 🔒 wall crawling
🔒 spider-sense
🔒 superhuman strength
🔒 Superhuman Speed
🔒 Superhuman Durability
🔒 Superhuman Agility
🔒 Superhuman Equilibrium
🔒 Superhuman Reflexes
🔒 Regenerative Healing Factor
🔒 Genius-Level Intellect
🔒 Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant

locked incentives (equipment) 🔒 Web-Shooters
🔒 Utility Belt
🔒 Spider-Tracers
🔒 Spider-Signal
🔒 Spider-Armor MK IV

comic parallels
•• shares initials and a last name with his comic namesake, peter parker.
•• spent most of his childhood in queens, new york until his family was shattered by the loss of a father figure and he holds himself responsible for the death
•• works for a newspaper though the webs he designs are a bit more high tech
•• guarded sarcastic sense of humor and highly intellegent.
•• has a high pain tolerance and seemingly advanced healing factor, judging by his tattoos, minor cuts and bruises from a motorcycle crash that totalled his last bike, and a generally strong constitution.
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» Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh, viverra non, semper suscipit, posuere a, pede.

» Donec nec justo eget felis facilisis fermentum. Aliquam porttitor mauris sit amet orci. Aenean dignissim pellentesque felis.

» Morbi in sem quis dui placerat ornare. Pellentesque odio nisi, euismod in, pharetra a, ultricies in, diam. Sed arcu. Cras consequat.

» Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus, tortor neque egestas augue, eu vulputate magna eros eu erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam dui mi, tincidunt quis, accumsan porttitor, facilisis luctus, metus.

» Phasellus ultrices nulla quis nibh. Quisque a lectus. Donec consectetuer ligula vulputate sem tristique cursus. Nam nulla quam, gravida non, commodo a, sodales sit amet, nisi.