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paris parker  code, eat, pet animals, sleep, repeat.
617 posts 59 followers 101 following

can i start a twin crush tuesday? shoutout to the @soskasisters now that ivy and i have bingewatched all of #Hellevator in three days

not a bad sight to ring in 2017. i wouldn't believe it was real if i hadn't seen it with my own eyes.

ooh baby do you know what that's worth? we'll make heaven a place on earth. happy new years from heaven! @ivyleague

rip princess, died bathed in the moonlight strangled by her own bra.

looks like santa thought someone was a good bunny this year.

asa can't believe it is already christmas eve. i know he doesn't look excited but he's five and also a tarantula.

the effects of gingerbread houses: too much engineering vs too much sugar. @ivyleague

some people might see this and call it slacking off, i'd like to consider it gaining a new perspective while slacking off.

working festive. i'd make a joke about christmas code trees but only like four people would actually get it.

i guarantee you have not actually seen anything cuter than bunny dreams. i realize this is a highly biased statement but i stick by it.

black mirror, i loved you. i hated you. but san junipero was a gift that will never be forgotten. i need to find this bodacious print for my apartment asap. @ivyleague

this is what two months without shaving looks like. pure laziness created this animal on my face.